• Open Enrollment begins in April for the Upcoming School Year. Siblings and those on the waitlist are given priority.
  • Summer Camp is for currently enrolled students or new students starting the School Year.
  • We usually cannot take mid-year admissions, but you can inquire if we have space.
  • Think ahead! Our school fills up quickly.

1. Review! Review! Review!

Please review this website. It offers information on school hours, calendar, location, pricing, and, most importantly, Montessori Methodology.

2. Looks good! 

After reviewing the website and deciding that our school will be a good fit for your family, you need to contact the school.

3. Contact us! 

You can reach us by filling out the Contact Form on this website.

4. Questions! 

Our website is extensive, but if you don’t find the answer to your question, let us know using the contact form.

5. Visit! 

You can schedule a tour for your family. If you don't want to visit but have questions, refer to Step 4.

6. Waitlist! 

Open Enrollment for those on the waitlist will begin in April. A school visit is required to secure a place on the waitlist. 

7. Visit other schools! 

We love our school and all we offer, but we encourage you to visit other schools for comparison. We know finding a good fit for your family is essential.

Please note: we do not allow unannounced “walk-in” visits. Prospective parents must make an appointment to visit the school.

However, parents with children currently enrolled in our school have the legal right to enter the school unannounced at any time. This is the law, but it would be our policy regardless.

 Annual visits from state licensing and safety inspections from the fire department are always unannounced. When they arrive, they have complete access to the school.